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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Travel to Metis Sur Mer (Camping Annie)

June 16, 2011. Today was a travel day. We left the camp ground and headed south across the St. Laurence River bridge the turn towards the east on AUT-20 then on RTE-132 for the majority of the trip

Rather than staying on the interstate, RTE-132 was suggested for sightseeing along the way. We passed through small towns and country side. This area was explored and settled in the 1600’s so there are many old buildings in the small towns. The country side is mainly farm land and trees.
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Along the way we stopped at a roadside park. All the parks we have seen are very well kept and most have some art of some kind. Somebody has to pay for all of the “free” services you find here. In the Province of Quebec there are two taxes, one for the country and one for the province. Because of the province tax, gas in Quebec is more expensive than the other provinces. I will find out how much more later in the trip when we visit the Maritimes. I did fill up earlier today and at $4.803 a gallon ($1.264 per liter) purchasing gas for the motor home becomes an eye watering experience.


There were some signs but most signs in the Quebec province are in French since that is the language spoken here. After looking at the signs, the best we could figure out was that they wee saying something like “You are here”

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It was low tide and the one thing that stood out was how much land was visible. Fortunately the main channel is quite deep. The bottom is very rock strewn from what we could see.

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Another stop was at lighthouse that also is a national historic site.
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There have been four light houses at this location. The third one is inactive and tours to the top are available. The fourth, in service 1975, is made of steel and fully automated. An on site light house keeper is no longer required. There was the Light house keepers house, the Engineer’s house, the Pilot’s shed along with the Fog alarm shed.
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Development work was conducted here on various sound producing devises to warn ships as they navigated the river during times of low visibility.
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There was also an old submarine on display but I didn’t go inside it.
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There are more pictures at:

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